6 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Have the Best Year Yet

*Pamper session definitely included.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, where the heck did you go 2017? One moment you were just beginning, and the next, well, you were a year older. It's a phenomenal thing how each year seems to fly by faster (and there's actually a logical explanation for this, but that's totally off topic), but now that 2018 has begun, I plan on making the absolute most of it.

So, today I'm sharing with you six highly effective ways to motivate yourself to having the best year yet.

1. Spankin' new stationary. If you're anything like me, pretty new diaries, notepads and pens make you feel all giddy inside. They're a surefire way to get you motivated to put pen to paper and start your 2018 with a bang.

This year I'm getting organised with: An Organised LifeThe Daily EditedBlushing Confetti and MiGoals.

2. Start sparkling clean. Uhhg. This is by far the least enjoyable way, but also the most rewarding. It's time to fish out the Spray N Wipe my friends, 'cause starting the year with a clean, tidy and organised home is pretty much the best thing ever. Despite constantly trying my best to be the least domesticated person I know, I also believe that a messy home can really weigh you down, and that is no way to start your epic year. Have a cup of coffee, put on your favourite tunes and get cleaning! Yay. 😳

3. Read and take note. 'Self-help' books have a pretty bad rep, but there are a lot of pretty damn brilliant ones out there too. I'd highly recommend clicking on over to your favourite book store, adding a one or two to your cart and spending an afternoon flicking through them (with a notepad and pen handy). What's high on my book list this month? Big Magic  and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

4. Make (and break) goals. Writing down a list of goals for the year isn't just symbolic of a fresh start, but is the first step to actually achieving them. Sure, you're going to stumble along the way and, sometimes, give-up completely (working out everyday - yeah right girl!), but you also might just blow your expectations as well. Guys, don't forget that it's totally fine if you fall behind or *gasp* fail. They're just additional steps on your way to success.

5. A fresh new you. After the craziness of the last month, chances are you're in need of some quality R&R. And I'm not talking about checking yourself into a five-star spa retreat (although, that is definitely preferable - who's with me?!), but simply treating yourself to much-deserved down time.

I've been living for the quiet moments soaking in a warm bath with a few Maison Blanche candles flickering around me, only made more relaxing by a few luxurious Jo Malone Bath & Body products (the divine Peony & Blush Suede Bath Oil will transport you to a delicate floral paradise - it's that good).

When you appear on the other side of your 'me time', you'll feel calm, fresh and ready to take on the year. And you'll smell really good.

6. Get excited! Turn up your favourite Spotify playlist (I've got Meg Mac on repeat right now), pour yourself a glass of your favourite bubbles and dance around your house like it's 1999 2018, 'cause the New Year is here and you may as well have a fabulously good time. Yes, you could look at 01/01/18 as just another day OR see it as a whole 365 days ahead of exciting possibilities, experiences and growth.

And just remember, the next 12-months don't have to be perfect for this year to be your best yet.


Photography by Sharleen King and Kiara King.